Best of:
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Tutoring Programme
Student Tutoring - Helping you to integrate
"All international students at Lappeenranta University (LUT) are appointed a tutor who is a student at LUT
Your tutor will be waiting for you when you first arrive here... will help you with practical matters such as getting to know the Finnish student housing and customs, settling in at the university etc. ...You should still remember that your tutor is not your new mum or dad - you still have to do your own laundry."
;-D ;-D ;-D
Best of: Survival Guide for international students in Lappeenranta
4.2 The Finns
"Finns have a very strong sense of national identity. This is rooted in the country's history - particularly its honourable wartime achivements and significant sport merits - and is today nurtured by pride in Finland's high-tech expertise."
4.4 Way of Life
"Finns have a real passion for sports and their patriotic spirit is aroused in international ice hockey games, skiing competitions, athletics (especially when competing neighbouring countries) and in motor sports. Finland also achieved a lot of media coverage internationally because of organizing crazy sports events such as wife-carrying, boot-throwing, swamp football and mosquito killing World Championships or swimming in the ice cold water in the winter."
;-D ;-D ;-D
"The fact that there are 5.3 million Finns and and 1.7 million saunas says it all."
" In 1863, Finnish and Swedish became official languages with equal status, and by the time of Finland's independence in 1917. Finland has since then been a bilingual country with a Swedish-speaking minority (5.5% of mainland Finland's population in 2006) living mostly in the coastal areas of southern, south-western, and western Finland. (Ez a Wikipédiából van, azért linkel...)
(Megj: Valóban, az 5,5% ellenére, minden élelmiszer csomagolásán, terméken stb. kötelező a feliratot svédül is megjelentetni. Mi mást is lehetne ez után tiszta szívből kívánni, mint hogy Szlovákia, Románia és Szerbia is nőjön fel a finn mércéhez. ( Bár már jócskán el vannak késve1863-hoz ill. 1917-hez képest. )
4.5 Visiting Friends
"When invited to visit friends it is polite to be punctual. Finns rarely kiss or hug but instead give a firm handshake while looking each other in the eyes. Avoiding eye contact is taken as rudeness and can even be interpreted as a sign of dishonesty. "
"In Finland it is customary that at the table people start eating when everybody has been served. It is also polite to thank the person who prepared the meal, so remembering to say "kiitos" after dinner is very important."
Alcohol and Smoking
Finns do not consume more alcohol on average than other Europeans, (megj: hiszi a piszi ;-D ) although drinking might be a bit more weekend and bar oriented than elsewhere." Na persze:-) Mivel sok az adó az alkoholokon és így drágák, ezért tutorom a vodkát favorizálja, mert abban sok az alkohol, majd keverik vmivel így gazdaságosabban ki lehet jönni mint pl. sörrel :-D
6.2 Basic Expressions
Finland - Suomi
Finnish, a Finn - suomalainen
Finnish (language) - suomi
Hello, hi - Hei, moi, terve
Thank you - kiitos
Yes - Kyllä
No - Ei
Bye - hei hei
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