Sunday, October 3, 2010

Some genetics

Wikipedia: Finns

...According to recent autosomal (genomewide, 10,000 markers instead of few looked at Y-DNA and MtDNA-studies) give distinct picture of Finnish genes. Finns are a genetic isolate. It could be said that all other Europeans have Finnish genes but Finns don't have all the genes found in other Europeans. Finns show very little if any Mediterranean and African genes but on the other hand almost 10% of Finnish genes seem to be shared with some Siberian populations. Nevertheless more than 80% of Finnish genes are from a single ancient North-European population, while most Europeans are a mixture of 3 or more principal components.
<-- "A finn kutatások alapján nyelvi igen, ám genetikai rokonság egyáltalán nincs északi rokonainkkal"
Amúgy azt hiszem erre mondják, hogy: [sic!] ugyanis:  "...rokonság egyáltalán nincs ... rokonainkkal..." :-O
Újságírás egyes.

Európa genetikai térképe:

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