Volt, 2, Design of an Electrical Machine és Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics.
A régi (előző évek) vizsgák fenn vannak a Student Union honlapján.
'The registration period starts four weeks before the exam and ends one week before the exam. You can cancel your registration two working days (Saturday and Sunday are not considered working days) before the exam. Exams are held three times a year for each course. Students can take part in two of those three exam times per academic year.'
A vizsga fél 9-tól volt, időtartam 3 óra. Minden vizsga előtt ki van téve valami ilyen kiírás az üzenőtáblára:
Torstai 21.10.2010 | ||||||
8:30-11:30 | ||||||
Nro | Kurssin nimi | Sali/room | Väri/color | |||
AB30A0050 | Yritysrahoitus | M | keltainen/yellow | |||
AC20A0150 | Yrityksen strategiat ja hankintatoimi | M | oranssi/orange | |||
AC30A0700 | Organisaatioteoria | M | lila/lilac | |||
BK80A0000-V | Statiikka | M | valkoinen/white | |||
BL50A0600 | Electromagn. compatibility in power electr. | M | vihreä/green | |||
CT30A2001 | Tietoliikennetekniikan perusteet | M | sininen/blue | |||
Eredmény két hét múlva.
„If you cheat, you are out of the exam and it will be informed to [’Professor Evil'] Juha-Matti Saksa (the gentlemen who wished not to see you officially any other time after the one in orientation day in August!). [Seeing him again means you have done some trouble.] In the end, you might be kicked out of the university aka DO NOT CHEAT!” – Idézet Hennától a tutoromtól, saját gondolatok dőlttel:-)
Szóval cheat=’strictly forbidden’ de nem is nagyon lenne érdemes, mert – az otthonival ellentétben – csak olyan dolgokat kérnek számon amit halandó fejben is tud tárolni.
Kivételesen nem baj, ha nem olvasod el az apróbetűs részt:
"Instructions for the examinations
- Examination halls will be announced on the bulletin boards in the main lobby by the main entrance and in the hallway on the third floor of the main building on the day of the exam.
- The exam papers for the various courses are laid out on the tables and distinguished from each other using different coloured papers. The colour codes are indicated on the exam bulletin boards and the examination hall wall.
- Make sure you arrive at the examination hall on time, switch off your mobile phone and leave your bag etc. by the wall in the examination hall.
- Find a paper with your course colour on it, take a seat and do not turn over the exam paper until the supervisor gives you permission.
- Students are not allowed to speak to each other in the examination hall. You can attract the supervisor’s attention by raising your hand.
- Students are not permitted to borrow any kind of material from each other.
- Using a dictionary or any kind of notes is forbidden unless otherwise mentioned in the exam paper. If requested, you must show any dictionary or notes to the supervisor.
- Hand-held computers and electrical dictionaries are strictly forbidden.
- Unless instructed otherwise, you have three hours to complete your exam. The earliest you may leave the examination hall is 15 minutes after the start of the exam.
- When you leave, hand your reply paper to the supervisor, prove your identity using a student card and sign the list of participants."
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